Module D: Dissemination of the Project and Research Results

Dissemination of both the project and its results are sufficiently relevant aspects to be contemplated in the specific objectives of the project, specifically in the last one, OBJ6. We highlight the following activities.

Activity 1. Website

Indispensable for the diffusion and divulgation, the website will be designed and up and running with all the information related to the project.

Milestone: creation of the website

Activity 2. Dissemination plan

From the outset, the main lines of action and dissemination objectives will be established, in terms of expected participation in scientific competitions, forums and networks, and publications. This plan will be reviewed at regular team meetings.

Milestone: dissemination plan

Activity 3. Dissemination

The project and its subsequent results will made available to the scientific community and other interested stake holders.

Milestone: achievement of the dissemination plan