In this paper we present our contribution to the TREC 2019 Incident Streams track. We submitted four runs to the 2019-B edition of this task. Our main goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of sentiment analysis and information retrieval techniques to automatically detect and prioritize incidents on social media streams. Here, we describe these techniques
Team GPLSI. Approach for automated fact checking
Fever Shared 2.0 Task is a challenge meant for developing automated fact checking systems. Our approach for the Fever 2.0 is based on a previous proposal developed by Team Athene UKP TU Darmstadt. Our proposal modifies the sentence retrieval phase, using statement extraction and representation in the form of triplets (subject, object, action). Triplets are
Fever Shared 2.0 Task is a challenge meant for developing automated fact checking systems. Our approach for the Fever 2.0 is based on a previous proposal developed by Team Athene UKP TU Darmstadt. Our proposal modifies the sentence retrieval phase, using statement extraction and representation in the form of triplets (subject, object, action). Triplets are